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Work status after workers’ compensation claims for upper limb musculoskeletal disorders
  1. Y Roquelaure1,
  2. S Cren2,
  3. F Rousseau1,
  4. A Touranchet2,
  5. C Dano1,
  6. S Fanello1,
  7. D Penneau-Fontbonne1
  1. 1Consultation de Pathologie Professionnelle, CHU, F-49033 Angers, France
  2. 2Inspection médicale du travail des Pays-de-la-Loire, DRTE-FP, 26 Bd Gaston-Gâche – 44263 Nantes, France
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr Y Roquelaure
 Consultation de Pathologie Professionnelle, CHU, F-49033 Angers, France;


Aim: To provide information on employment status after workers’ compensation (WC) claims for musculoskeletal disorders of the limbs (MSDs).

Methods: Two-year follow up of the workers who filed a WC claim for MSDs in 1996 in the Pays de la Loire region. Of the 701 eligible workers, 514 workers (70%) participated. Information was requested by means of a mailed questionnaire about the characteristics of the MSDs and job status at the time of the WC claim and two years later.

Results: Two years after the WC claim, 65% of the claimants had returned to work in the same company, often without any ergonomic improvement, 12% had retired or had left employment voluntarily, and 18% had been dismissed. The risk of dismissal was associated with three factors: being older than 45 years, having two or more MSDs at claim, and working in the cleaning services sector.

  • musculoskeletal disorders
  • prognosis
  • social consequences
  • workers compensation claims
  • CTS, carpal tunnel syndrome
  • MSD, musculoskeletal disorder
  • WC, workers’ compensation

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